A Bug’s Life

Our morning reporter headed out to K-State for a story on the Bug Zoo. She met Prof Z: a budding chef who specializes in insect cuisine. She brought back some insect bites to try out. Most of the newsroom was grossed out…and I’m happy to report I had one of the hardier stomachs.

These roasted crickets tasted like Cornuts.

And I loved the garlic salted meal worms. These bugs served as dinner for me on an unsually stressful night.

I Heart Rice

Today, I took a bunch of stuff in our cupboards and dumped them into our paella pan….cooking up a rice pilaf dish with mixed veggies, mushrooms and hot links.
Mark said he needed to add more garlic salt because it didn’t have any flavor. I didn’t want to overwhelm the hot link spices with random sauces…
To each one’s own.

A Loaf’s Journey

I went into Lawrence this morning to pick-up a press pass for Wakarusa.

After meeting with my editor, I made a detour to Wheatfields.

I took home a fresh baked loaf of sourdough bread. And yes, I snacked on an end piece on my drive back to Topeka.

Enjoying a slice of Wheatfield’s bread, buttered and toasted, makes Topeka bearable.