It might as well be Summer.
This weekend, I welcomed the first days of 100-degree whether with Jim Bean poured over ice.
I love making mint juleps with fresh mint leaves from my garden. In fact, I’m quite delighted with how my mint and spearmint plants are still thriving after I planted them last year.
I’ve crafted my mint juleps based on how they were made by my DC buddy, Stephanie. Almost a decade ago, she helped me serve mint juleps at our house warming party in the Richmond Hills. Some people thought her icy drinks tasted strong.
- Jim Bean
- Mint leaves (use a decent handful if you’re using fresh ones)
- Sugar
- Ice Cubes
- Soda Water
I place the mint leaves at the bottom of the glass. After adding sugar, ice cubes and soda water, I muddled it up with a spoon. I pour Jim Bean on top. After taking a sample sip, I adjust for sweetness and Jim Bean-goodness.
I enjoy my mint julep out on the patio and I like my Southern-inspired cocktail to be sweet with a heavy pour of the whiskey.