Magic and Pasta

“Life Ñ–Ñ• a combination οf magic аחԁ pasta” – Federico Fellini

So Good, So Homemade
I’m still in awe of the fact that we made these pasta noodles inside our Cow Town kitchen. They tasted firm, delectable and paired nicely with the pesto sauce from the Nugget.

Before this night, the idea of making pasta intimidated me. I enjoy scarfing down a yummy plate of pasta with savory sauce, vegetables, cheese and meat. So – I didn’t want to screw-up a good Italian dish with my crappy noodles.

A few months ago, our Bay Area friends showed us that it’s possible to do handmade pasta without killing your guests. So, while we shopped for semolina flour for our pizza dough, we found a recipe for pasta dough. That was enough to convince us to take on the idea of making noodles from scratch.

Bring it on!
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