Grilling on Labor Day

We decided to do some grilling on Labor Day. It was the first time I had the afternoon off since I started working in TV News.

I missed the smell of a hot grill and coals burning. My mouth water when I caught a whiff of meat and vegetables cooking over the flames. Grilling is always a good idea on Labor Day!

Labor Day Grilling, originally uploaded by queenkv.

Grilling on Labor Day from Kris Vera-Phillips on Vimeo.

Sara took care of grilling the chicken and veggies on our new grill. She used salt and pepper to season the chicken and olive oil on the veggie kabob. Her grilled green onions surprised me. To me, it was like eating smoky pasta. That’s a good thing.

I made my version of Cuban Rice and Beans. I added smoked sausage and butter beans.

Strawberry Shortcake, originally uploaded by queenkv.

Mark made Strawberry Shortcake with fresh fruit, jam, whipped cream and pound cake.

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